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Comprehensive Eye Examinations 

From the second you wake up, to when you go to sleep at night, your eyes are switched ON all day, working hard to ensure you can see the people and things that are important to you. A comprehensive eye examination involves an evaluation of the health of your entire eye, the visual system and prescription for corrective lenses. This goes far beyond a vision test. These examinations can detect eye diseases early on and also rule out any diseases that may come without warning or symptoms. Many of these silent conditions respond well to treatment when caught early. You will often hear me saying that “the best medicine is prevention” and this is true for your ocular health.  We can keep an eye on your ocular health and keep those silent conditions from going undiagnosed.


Age 0 - 19 YRS

Children 0 - 19 Yrs: A complete eye examination should be performed at 6 months of age, then at age 3,

then annually during these

critical developing years!


20-64 YRS

Adults 20 - 64 Yrs: A complete eye examination is recommended every 1-2 years and may vary depending on each patient's health and history.


64+ YRS

Adults 64+ Yrs: As we age, our eyes change as well and are at a higher risk of ocular diseases. Annual eye examinations are recommended and are key in preserving your vision and optimizing your eye health.

Routine eye examinations are crucial to ensure that your eyes are healthy and you are seeing at your best. There are recommended times for when patients should get their eyes examined. After a complete comprehensive exam, the recommendations for future eye care will be based on those results and health history of the individual patient.

Eye Care & The Body 

Ever heard that the eye is the window to your soul? Well for optometrists, the eye can be a window to our patients' bodily health.


There are many systemic conditions that can be revealed in the eye giving doctors a view of how they are impacting the body. That is why it is important for patients with systemic conditions to get routine eye examinations.


Our Ocular Care for Systemic Diseases page has more information regarding these conditions and how they may effect the eye.

Common conditions that may involve the eye:

  • Diabetes

  • Auto-immune Conditions (RA,SLE,AS)

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Thyroid Related Conditions

What now?

​Once a comprehensive eye examination is completed, the ocular health, visual status, and prescription plan will be discussed. Dr vo will then work with you to design a plan for future treatments and help guide you along the path for your eye care needs. Every eye has its own path, and we are happy to help you along this journey, whether its corrective spectacles or contact lenses, ocular health treatments, a referral to a specialist for refractive surgery or sending you off until your next routine examination.

Like your fingerprint, your eyes are unique, and deserve personalized eye care. 

Contact us for an appointment.

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