Ocular Care of Systemic Diseases
Eye Care & The Body
Ever heard that the eye is the window to your soul? Well for optometrists, the eye can be a window to our patient’s bodily health.
There are many systemic conditions that can be revealed in the eye, and this window can give the doctors a look at how those conditions are behaving in the body. This is why patients who are being treated for systemic conditions require routine eye examinations. These examinations will ensure the eye is unaffected. We can also catch early signs that could indicate changes in the body, which may be silent to the patient. Dr Vo also will work with your health care team to provide updates on your ocular status.
Thyroid health can flucutate which may cause Thyroid Eye Disease. This disease can affect areas such as ocular muscles, glands, and tissues surrounding the eye.
Auto-immune conditions can target various areas of ocular tissue, and depending on the type of disease, may require more specialized testing to ensure optimal ocular health.
Diabetes can cause damage to the blood supply of the eye. This in turn can cause leakage, growth of new abnormal vessels and other effects that can further compound into other ocular diseases. This can lead to temporary or permanent vision loss if ignored
Blood pressure fluctuations have a direct effect on the delicate blood vessels in your eye. Uncontrolled fluctuations may cause complications and damage that can be asymptomatic. Also, changes in the vessels of the eye can also indicate possible changes to blood vessels elsewhere in the body.
Many blood related diseases, such as Sickle Cell Disease, or hypercholestemia can present in the eye. Since the eye requires so much blood flow, any conditions that affect the blood contents or flow can directly effect the ocular tissues. Unforunately this may lead to damage and visual impairment.